The New Tourism Nation Promotion Basic Plan
Last Update : 2024/3/22
□ On March 31, 2023, a New “Tourism Nation Promotion Basic Plan” was approved by the cabinet.
□ This plan, based on the Tourism Nation Promotion Basic Law (Act No.117 of 2006), defines the basic plan for realizing a Tourism Nation.
□ The keywords of this plan are "sustainable tourism," "increase in tourism consumption," and “promote regional attraction”.
□ By 2025, strategies to work on are: (1) Create Sustainable Tourism Destinations, (2) Recover Inbound Tourism, and (3) Expand Domestic Exchanges.
□ We will steadily implement this plan to revitalize tourism in Japan in a sustainable manner with whole governments and public-private partnership.
1. Basic Policy
(1) Strategies to Create Sustainable Tourism Destinations
(2) Strategies to Recover Inbound Tourism
(3) Strategies to Expand Domestic Exchanges
(2) Strategies to Recover Inbound Tourism
(3) Strategies to Expand Domestic Exchanges
2. Planning Period
The 3-year period from FY 2023 to FY 2025
3. Targets by 2025
〇Establishment of a community development system
(1) Number of regions engaged in creating sustainable tourism
100 regions (Of which, international certifications and commendation regions: 50 regions)
【2022 results: 12 regions】
〇Recovery of Inbound Tourism
(2) Tourism consumption per international visitor to Japan
200,000 yen
【2019 results: 159,000 yen】
(3) Number of nights stayed in regional areas per international visitor to Japan
2 nights
【2019 results: 1.4 nights】
(4) Number of international visitors to Japan
Above the 2019 level
【2019 results: 31.88 million visitors】
(5) Number of Japanese overseas tourists
Above the 2019 level
【2019 results: 20.08 million visitors】
(6) Share of international conferences among major Asian countries
1st (More than 30% among major Asian countries)
【2019 results: 2nd】
〇Expansion of Domestic Exchanges
(7) Number of Japanese staying overnight in regional areas
320 million visitor-nights
【2019 results: 300 million visitor-nights】
(8) Domestic tourism consumption
22 trillion yen
【2019 results: 21.9 trillion yen】
100 regions (Of which, international certifications and commendation regions: 50 regions)
【2022 results: 12 regions】
〇Recovery of Inbound Tourism
(2) Tourism consumption per international visitor to Japan
200,000 yen
【2019 results: 159,000 yen】
(3) Number of nights stayed in regional areas per international visitor to Japan
2 nights
【2019 results: 1.4 nights】
(4) Number of international visitors to Japan
Above the 2019 level
【2019 results: 31.88 million visitors】
(5) Number of Japanese overseas tourists
Above the 2019 level
【2019 results: 20.08 million visitors】
(6) Share of international conferences among major Asian countries
1st (More than 30% among major Asian countries)
【2019 results: 2nd】
〇Expansion of Domestic Exchanges
(7) Number of Japanese staying overnight in regional areas
320 million visitor-nights
【2019 results: 300 million visitor-nights】
(8) Domestic tourism consumption
22 trillion yen
【2019 results: 21.9 trillion yen】
4. Measures
The main measures to be taken by the government in a comprehensive and systematic way are presented in the plan.
(1) Strategies to Create Sustainable Tourism Destinations
(2) Strategies to Recover Inbound Tourism
(3) Strategies to Expand Domestic Exchanges
(1) Strategies to Create Sustainable Tourism Destinations
(2) Strategies to Recover Inbound Tourism
(3) Strategies to Expand Domestic Exchanges
5. Other
Every fiscal year, the Japan Tourism Agency will, in addition to carrying out inspections/evaluations of the measures, work to reflect the applicable results into the measures of the following year to relevant ministries and agencies.
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